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My Trudy

Start your own business they said, it would be fun , they said!

I`ve started my own small business years ago. Doing hair at my home based studio and I did and still do well out of it!

Circumstances changed and I decided to also work a couple of days at a local café , which was right for me at the time. I met loads of new people , created new friendships. I enjoyed the work and well , we just had lots of fun!

But after a couple of years , I had that niggly feeling. I needed a change , I needed to follow my dream.

I wanted to build up my little side hustle, called Hustle & Flo , my passion that I`ve neglected, only because life took over and I was just too busy working!

Hustle & Flo, my vintage dream, my crafty dream, my creative dream

So early this year I took the plunge . No more café , but more hair and more Hustle & Flo.

And yes , it has been great ! I`m living my dream , I`m building up my little empire and I really enjoy what I`m doing.

Yet, there is always that little person who holds me back, who tells me you are doing it all wrong... and `see, I told you so, you can`t do this `....

That person is Trudy, Trudy is my inner critic and Trudy is not a nice person, as a matter of fact, she is a total b-@#%$%^-ch.....

I tell her piss off Trudy, just go away Trudy, haven`t you got anything better to do , Trudy!

Most of the time it works, but every now and then , Trudy still appears .

Very slowly, little thoughts in my brain, focussing on the bad and not on the good!

I can have a fantastic week, lots of things are great, but there is one little thing that might didn`t work out as well and there she is, just pointing out the negative!

Everybody knows business and life in general can be trial and error! Some things work out others won`t ! The trick is to try and move on when you realise one of your great ideas isn`t working as well or to give it a twist and change it till it does work! Analyse , try and learn from your mistake!

Slamming yourself down is definitely not the way...

So how do we get rid of our inner critic, my Trudy!

We probably can`t completely !

Just try to focus on the positives, surround yourself with like-minded people, find your tribe! Talk, be inspired, network, go to workshops, find a life-coach!

And sometimes just embrace that feeling , only for you to wake the next day , know to start fresh again. A new day , a new opportunity ! Never give up, keep doing, keep making, keep dreaming and keep working hard!

Enjoy the journey, your journey!

Start your own business they said , it will be fun they said...

And they were right !

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